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Tessa Fowler Vinyl Vixen

Very busty Tessa unzipping her vinyl bra

Tessa Fowler sizzles in purple vinyl lingerie, the top zips down easily and is first to come off. The panties? Well no we are not that lucky are we?!



24 thoughts on “Tessa Fowler Vinyl Vixen”

  1. The best part of Tessa Fowler’s boobs are her areoles. So round and defined that they stand out even when her nipples are fairly flat. She needs some nipple development and stimulation and nipple sucking and the areoles would become even more defined.
    Her nipples could be played with and sucked, and played with and sucked and played with some more and something happens as most models want to take their pants off as they get so wet.

  2. I don’t know for sure, but if nipple sucking were the answer to all breast problems, wouldn’t women be sucking their own CONSTANTLY, like even in line at the grocery store? And wouldn’t that cause a HUGE loss in plastic surgeons’ income?

  3. Ya think? I think you’re kinda missing my point. Quick survey: How many people have a problem with Tessa Fowler’s tits? The first 2 comments here are already counted as a NO PROBLEM.

  4. Taking nothing away from those magnificent mounds of joy, but in the last two pix her hair makes her look like Medusa

  5. Dudes WTF! This is my wife you are talking about :D no problem s here regarding Tessa, no problems ever .

    1. You are correct, I am not. But to me, your proposal answers the question posed in my earlier comment as a no. No problem with Tessa. I couldn’t possibly speak for Tessa, and wouldn’t.

  6. Wow. Another one who thinks Tessa’s gonna see this. Good day to you, and good luck in your search foe a bride.

    1. Relax, and go back to the comment from July 4 , 3:28 pm. and read it carefully. I took your proposal to Tessa as meaning that there was no problem with her tits. Nothing else, period, end of story.

  7. Well, if the models don’t see it just who sees it?
    No one but the website management
    And you built the website just for five people to read? right.
    If you want business then you make sure the models do read this website

    1. We see it. Thousands of us. But the specific models? VERY doubtful. If you were a paying member on their site MAYBE. A free public site? No money there, so no interest. Sorry to disappoint, but even if they did see it, they probably could care less about anything you or I have to say. Most are probably only interested in the next modeling job, and how much it’s gonna pay.

        1. Like it or not, it’s closer to the truth than you want to believe. A model reading all the bullshit on this site has nothing to do with getting business. That comes from generating ad revenue. The models doing this aren’t doing it because they ” just LOVE being naked ” as the caption would have you believe, they’re doing it for the money. Period.

      1. درودبر دان پی راست می گوید این زنها فقط عاشق لخت کردن خودشان وسکس کردن وپول دراوردن هستن…..

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