Agatha goes for a jog, and ends up jogging in the nude with just her trainers on. Looks so damn hot seeing her like this butt naked and cooling herself down with her bottle of water …
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Her books hanging down are the ski jump boobs. The skin at the top of the breast is a lot shorter than on the botton side, andthat turn the nipples upwards. So what she needs is her boobs to be filled out. Fat will do that.
I so wish I could see what you looked like. I’d bet money on “stuff of nightmares.”
A better bet would be “man”. More specifically “40 year old virgin” type with the “bags of sand” line. Never seen or touched any but knows all about ’em. Looked up some medical terms and thinks He’s the all knowing expert. But doesn’t have the sense to use spellcheck. “Books” What a riot.
My guess is “hairy back and beer boobs, lives in mom’s basement” :-)
Books? Yes, fat will do many things. Just look what it’s done for your head.
Best breasts ever!
She never disappoints
Wow. I am so in lust with this honey.
This young lady is almost in the Alisa league…
Still can’t decide if I like her better as a blonde, or a brunette. Redhead maybe? We need to see much more.
Agreed! Right now I think blonde is better, but then I change my mind just about every day. (Been spending a lot of quality time with her various galleries…)